Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fufu with Friends

Last night Team Ghana met up with Eliana, who is our fabulous Project Manager, at her house for a Ghanaian themed dinner. I meant to bring my camera to post photos of the team and the food, but I forgot... Oops! Eliana, and one of the Project Directors- Kira, have both been to Ghana before, so they have some experience with the food and made it for us.
Fufu is sort of like mashed potatoes, except it's made with cassava, and it has a doughy consistency. You put a ball of it, about the size of your fist, in a bowl, with some soup and meat. In Ghana, eating or giving things to people with your left hand is very impolite, so I found it challenging to remember to only eat with my right hand. My partner this summer, Sara, is left handed, so I think it will be challenging for her to get adjusted to a right-handed mentality. Also- no utensils! You take a bit of the fufu and sort of make a scoop with it, and scoop/soak up the soup. It's very tasty, and fun to eat once you get the hang of it!

A photo of fufu taken from Google images!

I really love food, and I love trying new foods, so I'm looking forward to all of the new foods I will try this summer.
Since I still don't have a photo of Team Ghana...Stolen from the QPID Internal Newsletter, here is some fun facts about all of the 2011 Cooperants and Site Directors. As you can see, QPID also has projects in Nunavut and Botwana, and it's been a blast getting to know and collaborating with the other projects.
This doesn't include Kira or Hoda, the Project Directors, who have bent over backwards to arrange Projects, or the Project Managers, Eliana, Davina, and Kirsten, who have organized loads of training, meetings, and fundraising!
QPID love. <3

I have an exam today, so I should probably focus on that now...

46 days!

Keep Smiling! :)

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